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March 10, 2024 at 6:05 PM
As I was thinking about it, I only came to idea that kick on AFK is usefull only to stress server-machine less.
There are no more reasons for it to exist because NO ONE cares about hours.
Also, there are some disadvantages. For example:
  • Being tied in permacell or any other cell less that 4x4 blocks makes the game kick you, even if you move or try struggling. If you have a gag applied, afk-plugin isn't triggered and still counts you as afk. Also, moving less than 5 blocks also make the game think you are still afk.
  • As stated previously, virtually no one cares about hours... We mostly use them to describe how lazy are we... (Me, who haven't built even small house for 150 hours on serveur)
  • Anti-afk is kicking only players who are not in character.
In conclusion, there is no reason to keep anti-afk on the server.