How joins the staff's ?

You like KaliServeur and you wan't to be a part of that server and community ?

You can ask to join the staff so or be choose to be Helper, you don't choose helper, helper choose you !
You can be a Helper for the start, and finish at Moderator or Administrator !

Requirement For be staff's member you have to have that requirement, the other grade will come with responsability and ur confiance on you.

  • Being on the discord for more than a week.
  • Have do an Verification.
  • Be active on the discord. have good relations
  • Aleadry have come on the mc server one time
  • not to have a sanction and not be on file S
  • Don't ask every 2Day to be staff's member

Well if you doesn't have aleadry joins the discord ... do it >:3 U will see that we use a installatator for joins us, better for mod update because he just auto update when u launch minecraft ...