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August 12, 2022 at 4:53 PM

Ethic RolePlay Rules

You are not forced to follow theses rules, they are just a way for people who wanna go deep in lore & RolePlay in general so they can go around some play or not dependings if they wanna full time roleplay on the server using theses rules.
  1. Consistency: Consistency, if way important in Rp, try to remind lore and "relationship" of your race with other has so, you cannt be a humans comming from the futur or way to hard from the past. Has soo even if your race dont like another you still can fall in love with another even if you are set has "ennemy" but have to hide your relationship with this person, because of lore and relationship of the two race you cannot be here to claim your love in front of everyone while being for example an Demon in love with an Angel, this is inconsistent.

  2. PainRp: Bondage, mostly (if we dont say always) involves sadistic/masochism, but keep to remain that you character can feel pain & emotion so keep trying giving it reaction in fact of what is going on. elf-preservation is immersive in most of the case, so please don't kill another player's character without that player's consent. Has so you still have too remain the differency between race, such has Demon would like good bath in a nice lava pools but NekoGirl/Boy wouldn't really like that (even a bath of water technically what a difficult pet race !)

  3. FearRp: Fear rp is the fact of having fear of a specific situation in general, such has an angels surrender by three demons should be effray of being captured and sell. has so keep in mind that you have to act lucid with your character in any context, such has demon when goind in town should be worried to be find and being hunt in the town.

  4. ForceRp: Force rp is the fact of forcing someone into a possition, or Area or doing a action, without having an other possibility Rp. Blocking a player into a lm without having possibility of an excit is Forcing the person. BUT Perma tie conscent or being left tie in heavy bondage without comming re tight isn't.


  • Emotions can be real, but remember this is ultimately fantasy. If you feel very emotional IRL while being in the RP, take a break or try to remind yourself this isn't real. A good tip for keeping RP from becoming too personal is to make your character notably different from yourself, that way you won't feel so personally involved if/when a character (not a player, but a character) does something upsetting in RP.

  • Parenthesis on either side of a message denotes OoC (Out Of Character) chat for example : "(Hi! I'm OOC)". Has so being on the server without have set an talkarea is an GeneralTchat, if you want to talk in Rp go into /talkarea 15/25 !

  • If the Rp in any way go to far for you, remind that you can use /norp and the person has to free you directly, if he doesn't contact an staff member.
    For some who don't know, for doing action you can use /me for exemple you can do : /me struggle a bit in her restrain trying to go out of it.
